Friday, February 11, 2011

Where Is the Budget Right Now?

These days you hear a lot about the County's budget, particularly in terms of closing a projected $300 million gap for FY12. There are rumors about plans to change salary and benefit structures, to eliminate particular programs or to increase class sizes. So, which of these are currently under consideration by the County Council? The answer is: none.

Right now, the County's four agencies--Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission and County Government--are submitting their budget proposals to us and to the County Executive, who will transmit his Recommended Operating Budget to the Council on March 15. At that time, we will take up his recommendations in addition to our own proposals. We will make final budget decisions at the end of May, and the budget will take effect July 1.

You can let us know your thoughts anytime during the process. You can testify at the public hearings in April, send your written comments to the Council President or drop me a line directly. Contact me any way that works for you; just let me know what you think.

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