Friday, March 1, 2013

Action Alert: Transportation Funding

Please join us in this call to action signed by all nine members of the County Council:

We are writing to ask for your help. The County Council has devoted a tremendous amount of time and energy seeking a solution in Annapolis to our transportation funding needs. But we need your help in order to succeed. Our county's future is at stake.

Tell the Governor, Speaker Busch, and our County Delegation to the Senate and the House of Delegates: FUND TRANSPORTATION - OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT!

Simply put, nothing is more important to our county's future than securing transportation funding from the state legislature this year. So much depends upon it:

• Our Quality of Life - Congestion consistently ranks as the Number One issue in our county;

• Our Economy - Transit is the key to our economic future. Without transit, including bus rapid transit, there is no Transit Oriented Development;

• Our Competitiveness - Virginia just passed a transportation revenue package that will raise more than $800 million a year. Maryland's competitiveness depends on our state achieving similar results;

• Our Environment - Automobile pollution accounts for a full third of our greenhouse gas emissions;

• The CCT & Purple Line - State officials have declared that unless the Legislature provides transportation funding this year, all work on these critical projects will come to a halt. In addition, important road infrastructure projects will also be jeopardized.

The County Council has been pushing as hard as we can for a transportation solution in Annapolis. With only five weeks to go in this year's legislative session, now is the time to express your support for a transportation funding solution to the Governor, the Speaker of the House, and the Senate President. They need to hear how important it is to you to fund our state's transportation priorities.

The Washington Post noted Monday in an editorial that Virginia, after much hard work and compromise, raised revenue and overcame regional differences to fund transportation. Our state can not afford to do less.

The Governor and the General Assembly have already heard from Montgomery County's elected officials. Now, they need them to hear from you.  Tell the Governor, Speaker Busch, and our County Delegation to the Senate and the House of Delegates: FUND TRANSPORTATION - OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT!

You can also spread the word by showing your support on Facebook and Twitter and using the hashtag #FundTransportation.

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